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Industrijski robot 7-osni HYUNDAI HH050
Industrijski robot Hyundai HH050 sa Hi5a kontrolerom
Nosivost 50kg
Godina proizvode 2018
Dodatna translacijska sedma servo os
Izvrsno stanje
Vrlo malo korišten
Mogućnost korištena u svim aplikacijama
Puštanje u rad, poduka i prilagodba vašoj aplikaciji
Cijena po dogovoru
- godina 2012 nikad korišteni na orginalnoj paleti
- Manipulator AII-V6
- Kontroler AX-21
- Nosivost 6kg
- doseg 1402mm
- upravljački/operatorski panel je korišten ali u potpunosti ispravan
Cijena 89.000kn+PDV
KINGSTAR 400 TS is a high performance multiprocess power source, particularly suitable for high production applications.
The duty cycle has been increased to 340A @ 100% and 400A@ 40%
Art. | 372 | Specifications | ![]() | |
MIG - TIG | MMA | |||
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400V 50/60 Hz |
Three phase input |
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20 A |
Fuse rating (slow blow) |
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18,8 KVA 40% 16,4 KVA 60% 14,2 KVA 100% |
17,7 KVA 40% 15,8 KVA 60% 15,3 KVA 100% |
Input power |
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10A ÷ 400A |
Min.-max. current that can be obtained in welding |
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400A 40% 340A 100% |
380A 40% 330A 100% |
Duty Cycle (10 min.40°C) |
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Electronic |
Stepless regulation |
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0,8/0,9/1,0/1,2/1,6 Fe |
Wire size that can be used |
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Ø 300 mm / 15 Kg |
Max. wire spool size |
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Ø 1,5 ÷ Ø 6 |
Electrodes that can be used |
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IP 23 S |
Protection class |
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120 Kg |
Weight |
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588x1120x1380 |
Dimensions mm (WxLxH) |
KINGSTAR 400 TS is a high performance multiprocess power source, particularly suitable for high production applications.
The duty cycle has been increased to 340A @ 100% and 400A@ 40% (according to IEC 60974.1);
- Devoted package of Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) according to ISO 151612, which meets the qualification requirements of the procedures according to EN 1090-1;
- A Spatter Reduction System (SRS) welding process has been added to the HD (High Deposit) and to the ROOT (first pass) processes in order to achieve completely spatter free welds and with reduced heat input (on mild steel and stainless steel up to 3mm thickness);
- System calibration procedure, which allows, complete adjustment of all welding parameters and process variables, from the features of the welding torch, to the connecting cable used between the trolley and the power source;
- Easily removable power source cooling grille, to facilitate and reduce the maintenance time;
- Power source / wire feed connection with bayonet attachment in accordance with MIL-C-SS 116 standards that eliminates the problem of inserting and fixing the signal cable;
- Integration of the T-LINK system, which brings to zero the delay times for the dimming of the light reactive welding mask worn by the welder. Thanks to the wireless transmission of data between power source and mask, it guarantees maximum operator eye protection and reduces eye fatigue;
- The new hardware architecture of the power source allows the implementation of a web server, which through LAN connection and Wi-Fi connections, in addition to 2 USB ports, provides useful functions for remote service, diagnostics, information system, backup and data recovery etc, also for all those tasks that require data collection and processing;
- The User Interface can be remotely controlled and can be managed through Personal Computer, Tablet and Smart Phone without the need to install other dedicated software.
- New, compact, 4-rolls aluminum wire feeder with quick release and quick insertion rollers (diameter 37 mm), easily identifiable by type also thanks to a colour code system refering to the different diameter
- Compact and lightweight wire feed unit with two 7-segment display and user freindly operator controls. In addition to the MIG/MAG Euro torch connection, there is also a devoted connection for a standard TIG torch
- Second gas connection and additional dedicated solenoid valve when using the power source in TIG process.
- Control panel positioned at the center of the machine, consisting of a 7” colour Touch Screen display with a simple encoder dial.
- Optional remote control panel (Art. 437).
Complies with EN 61000-3-12.
Industry 4.0 compliant
Cijena: 64.600,00 kn +PDV ali ako nas kontaktirate možemo odobriti i popust :)
SET ZA ZAVARIVANJE HYUNDAI 6osni industrijski robot i FRONIUS aparat za zavarivanje
-HYUNDAI HA010L 6osni robot godina 2011
-Nosivost 10kg
-Doseg 1986mm
-Kontroler Hi5
-Ekran u boji osjetljiv na dodir
-Aparat za zavarivanje FRONIUS TPS 450
-Max struja zavarivanja 450A
-Pištolj za zavarivanje vodom hlađen
-Ugrađen shock senzor
-Puštanje u radi i obuka uključeno u cijeni
-Pregled i testiranje opreme prije kupnje
Cijena 150.000,00kn
Aparat za zavarivanje TIG DC postupkom
Max struja 200A
Struja kod 100%I iznosi 150 A
Oprema:gorionik 4m SR26, masa, reducir ventil
Cijena 3.550,00+PDV
***Datum objave 11.2.2021.***
Aparat za zavarivanje MIG,MMA i TIG postupkom
Max struja 200A
Struja kod 100%I iznosi 150 A
Programi za FE, INOX, Al i mogučnost CuSi
Oprema:gorionik 4m, masa, reducir ventil
Cijena 4.880,00+PDV
***Datum objave 11.2.2021.***
Aparat za zavarivanje tip ESSETI macro 500 STICK
Priključni napon 400VAC 50 Hz, 380A 100%
Nova cijena:6.500,00+PDV
***Datum objave 9.3.2021.***
Aparat za zavarivanje tip SELCO QUASAR 270RC
Aparat je namjenjen za zavarivanje svim vrstama oplaštenih elektroda.
Aparat ima funkcije HOT start, Arc forse, Celuloza weld, TIG lift.
Oprema: kablovi za zavarivanje
Voltage (50/60 Hz): 3x400V±15%
Maximum input power: 14.0 kVA
Maximum input current: 20.2A
Efficiency: 85%
Slow blow line fuse: 16A
Open circuit voltage: 70Vdc
IP protection rate: IP23S
Insulation class: H
***Datum objave 11.11.2019.***
Aparat za zavarivanje tip FRONIUS TPS 450
Oprema:novi gorionik tip MAXX500 vodom hlađen 4m dužine, Masa kabel
***Datum objave 31.10.2019.***
Aparat za zavarivanje MIG 3000i ESAB ORIGO
Origo Mig C3000i, MA23A
Napajanje 3 faze, V/Hz 400-415 50/60
Intermitencija 30%, A 300
Intermitencija 60%, A 240
Intermitencija 100%, A 200
Brzina žice m/mm 0.8-25
Žica Fe Ø 0.6-1.2
Žica Inox Ø 0.6-1.2
Žica Al Ø 1.0-1.2
Žica Punjena Ø 0.8-1.2
Napon praznog hoda, V 60
Težina 38kg
Oprema: Novi gorionik ERGO 360 4m, masa kabel
Uređaj za automatsko uzdužno zavarivanje
Promjer minimalni: 100 mm
Max.dužina zavarivanja: 1000 mm
Oprema:naprava + impulsni TIG DC uređaj, jedinica za hlađenje gorionika, strojni gorionik
Cijena: 40.000,00Kn +PDV
Industrijski Robot Hyundai HA006 kontroler Hi4

Ponuda br. 100166
Nova cijena:5.400,00+PDV
***Datum objave 9.3.2021.***
Ponuda br. 100163
- Aparat za zavarivanje tip: Sound MIG 2035 M Pulse
- Proizvođać: CEBORA Italija
- Konstrukcija: tranzistorski pulser SYNERGIC
- Priključni napon 220VMax struja zavarivanja: 200A/35%I
- Oprema: gorionik 4m dužine, TB 250, masa kabel, reducir ventil
- Cijena: 11.000Kn+PDV
Ponuda br. 100131
- Komandna kutija TIG SERION ESAB
- Proizvođać ESAB
- Namjena: spajanje s ispravljačem ,TIG zavarivanje
- Cijena: 1.300 kn